Sunday, September 6, 2015

Choose Hope

"The Lord will display his glory,
    the splendor of our God.
With this news, strengthen those who have tired hands,
    and encourage those who have weak knees.
Say to those with fearful hearts,
     Be strong, and do not fear,

for your God is coming to destroy your enemies.
    He is coming to save you.”  Isaiah 35:2b-4

A desolate desert, no sign of vegetation, and no water for as far as the eye can see would send most of us into a panic and instill a fear within us that death awaits. In the book of Ezekiel and Isaiah 34 we read about God's disappointment in the behavior of his people and the wrath that awaits, but yet a gift of renewed hope is provided in Isaiah 35 for a future where rivers flow and vegetation even grows on mountains. God isn't going to give up on any of His people. His mercy is abundant. Life will be a beautiful place for future generations. The two images are on the opposite ends of the spectrum. One seems hopeless, and the other brings hope. 

Each day we read about the tragedies, heartache, and evil that enters into our society. At times, it might seem much easier to just give up and feel there is nothing that can be done to change the world that we live in. But then something triggers something deep inside of us. (I believe it is the Holy Spirit at work.) Our Pastor's sermon today was so beautifully presented; with tears in her eyes, she talked about the Syrian children that are washing ashore as they flee from the evil and conflict of their home country. The parents of these children want a more desirable life for their children. They are willing to risk it all for the possibility of hope for a better life. Maybe now that the images of dead children washing ashore are surfacing, we the people of the world will open our eyes and ears that the Syrian people need help and hope.

I think every day we choose either to have hope or to be hopeless. It starts early in the morning when we rise. We can decide to dwell on all that is wrong in our lives in the coming day, or have a plan of hope that we can make a difference through our lives. These heartfelt verses from Isaiah remind us that hope is abundant. With God's help we can let go of fear and be strong because God is coming to destroy our enemies. Sometimes the enemy lies within us. The enemy that tells us we aren't good enough, aren't smart enough, aren't capable of making a difference, etc. But, God tells us this isn't true. We have His strength behind us to accomplish small things and together we can achieve great things. His work has to be done through us. We are His lights in this world. Lights of HOPE!

In an obscure way, hope is a lot like a disease. You can spread it around, and others will catch it. The more you care about making a difference, others will too. How does hope survive in a world where it seems hopelessness could easily become the next super bug? It survives and regenerates every time we share an act of kindness in the life of someone else. Journal how you spread hope through kindness in your own environments. You might be surprised how the smallest gifts of hope and kindness multiply in ways you have never dreamed. Don't be afraid for God is with you. That's His promise to each of us.

Tomorrow and every day, when we wake up, let's all choose to thread hope through our day. Let's count on God's promises that we have the strength to overcome the fears and enemies that tell us we can't make a difference. 

Let us pray,

Gracious Heavenly Father,

Our hearts ache for those that face such evil and enemies in their lives. Help us to not only help fight these enemies, but also the enemies within us. Give us the aptitude to believe that with Your help, we will be a conduit of hope to others.


Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Investing Our Riches

"Those who love money will never have enough. How meaningless to think that wealth brings true happiness! The more you have, the more people come to help you spend it. So what good is wealth—except perhaps to watch it slip through your fingers!  People who work hard sleep well, whether they eat little or much. But the rich seldom get a good night’s sleep.  There is another serious problem I have seen under the sun. Hoarding riches harms the saver. Money is put into risky investments that turn sour, and everything is lost." ~ Ecclesiastes 5:10-14a

Life can change in an instant! We have all heard this phrase and many of us have lived through life altering events. This past week, a story has made headlines that is living proof that one can never take for granted that the riches one accumulates can be stored and never taken away.

A dentist from the United States went on a safari hunt in Zimbabwe. The riches he had accumulated through his practice took him to the other side of the world with a reported hefty price tag of over $50,000 to hunt big game. He hired the best hunting tour guides to help him obtain permits and find what he hoped would be the kill of a lifetime. I won't share my opinion on the rights or wrongs of this hunt, but rather how one decision this dentist made can change everything.

During the hunt, in one second, one pull of the trigger, the dentist's life has been forever changed. The gun was pointed at a lion that the villagers held dear and loved. This dentist who had accumulated wealth and prestige, now finds himself loathed by the community he served and by people around the world. He has now become internationally disliked and perhaps a very lonely man. Even those that may support him may feel the pressure to stay as far away from him as possible so as to not show any association with him.

The Bible heeds warning about the destruction of storing riches. Solomon, who most believe wrote the book of Ecclesiastes, may provide some great advice for us all. He wrote, "There is another serious problem I have seen under the sun. Hoarding riches harms the saver. Money is put into risky investments that turn sour, and everything is lost."

Life's lessons can be tough ones. It's what one gains from the experiences that defines our character and faith in God. We can all fall into the trap of thinking that more money will be the answer to all our problems and provide so much for us, but in reality, we have to vigilantly understand that God watches closely how we use the gifts He provides for us. If we have a special talent, do we share it? If we have financial means that allow us to give more, do we? If we have extra time, do we use the time wisely? If we have the ability to pay it forward, have we jumped at the chance to do so? If we have the choice to condemn or grant grace and propagate peace, what do we choose in our relationships with others?

Maybe it isn't so much about having too much of anything, but maybe it is more about how we use what we are blessed to have in this life. Perhaps accumulated wealth of any kind that is used only for self indulgence isn't what God has in mind when he asks us to give our lives away for His sake. In Deuteronomy 30:20, Moses, may have said it best, "You can make this choice by loving the Lord your God, obeying him, and committing yourself firmly to him. This is the key to your life. And if you love and obey the Lord, you will live long in the land the Lord swore to give your ancestors Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.” I think this verse sums it up very well.

So, regardless of how you feel about the dentist that shot the lion, remember that anyone's life can change with very little notice. If we live each day with Moses' advice, perhaps even when those devastating moments occur, we will know that we are never alone because we have invested our entire lives in a God that loves us unconditionally. If we keep our hearts in the right place with our Father, our riches will overflow into the right places as well.

Let us pray,

Gracious Father,

The world we live in puts an emphasis on obtaining riches and self-indulgence. Help us to understand that in You, we truly find the riches of life and how to share them to Your glory.


Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Remodel - Renew - Transform - Love!

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds, so that you may discern what is the will of God - what is good and acceptable and perfect. Romans 12:2 NRSV

If you've ever done remodeling in your home, you may have come to realize that the one main project you began with often leads to many other little projects. It's difficult to do one project without affecting another. Soon, one small project can transform a room into a new and inviting space that one couldn't envision when it first began.

Transforming our hearts may often have the same effect. For example when a person falls in love with a person they don't stop to think about all the things that are going to change in their own life because of that love. When I met my husband, I never dreamed that I would come to learn about so many different things. Not growing up in a sports-minded family, I didn't realize that one could literally find sports so appealing. I have learned the "basics" about football, basketball, baseball, hockey, and my favorites, tennis and golf. I didn't even know sports language when we met. I can't begin to list the multitude of wonderful things that loving my husband has taught me about this wonderful place called life.

As I grew in my relationship with Christ, I also didn't realize how my life was going to change. Even with my introvert personality and way of being, I "want" to grow closer to Christ. I care deeply about so many people and issues that I once never even thought about. I want to be an advocate for those who are less fortunate by helping in some way that God will equip me to provide for them. I want to be diligent in daily prayer knowing God hears every prayer. I feel called to be on God's fan list knowing what a great example He has set before me. Yes, I want to learn about and grow more in love with God each and every day. 

Renewing our minds is directly related to having open minds. It is difficult to renew a closed mind. A closed mind builds walls of arrogance and self righteousness. An open mind invites God in to transform us one day at a time to learn about His wisdom and carry out His teachings in our daily lives. Humbleness, empathy, and understanding are found in an open mind. So, keep an open mind in life because you never know what God has planned for you. Like a home remodeling project, you may start out with one main project, but God may have amazing smaller projects for you to fulfill. God can already see what we aren't even capable of envisioning!

Let us pray . . .

Heavenly Father,

As we live out our daily lives here on Earth, help transform our minds to carry out the projects you have set before us. Lead us where we need to go and equip us with the tools we need to make a difference, one life at a time.


Tuesday, March 24, 2015

The Blue Bag

Answer me quickly, O Lord; my spirit fails. Do not hide your face from me,
    or I shall be like those who go down to the Pit.
Let me hear of your steadfast love in the morning, 
    for in you I put my trust.
Teach me the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul. 
     Psalm 143:7-8 NRSV

     Packed away in the closet the blue bag sits undisturbed. It isn't locked or zippered shut, but yet it seems impossible to open. The closet door opens and shuts, and a little part of me wants to peek inside, but the agonizing fact remains that for some reason I cannot bring myself to touch or open that blue bag. 

     The blue bag is filled with printed accomplishments, awards, and notes of gratitude and thanks. Yet, why does it seem so untouchable? After all, I have worked hard to obtain all the contents in the blue bag that once found a home in my office. Each says I gave my best and was recognized for my efforts.

     Maybe it's not what is inside the blue bag that is causing distress, but in reality it is the fact that the blue bag no longer goes on its daily journey back and forth to work. It has sat motionless for months. The blue bag had no idea that its last days were going to end so abruptly. I think in reality, the blue bag knew that the day was coming when I was going to say good-bye. It knew my principles couldn't allow me to continue the journey I was on. The heartache of no longer having a job that one loved and worked so hard to succeed at, is hard to explain until you have walked the walk.

     Sometimes, regardless of how much energy and dedication we put into something, we can find ourselves devastated in an instant. The shock and surprise can destroy the confidence and emotional stability. After all, how does one tell others that deep inside they feel like they have been defeated? Why did this happen? How does one move on?

     Today, I am reminded by the Psalmist that in the midst of my feelings of despair, that if I put my full trust in the Lord, that indeed, I will be led and taught to navigate a new direction in my life. I find comfort in knowing my soul can be lifted by a loving God.

     And most importantly for me to remember is that inside that blue bag is a reflection of the person I am. A person who strives to do their best in all circumstances. For those that care and call me friend and family, I have to trust that they look inside my heart and realize that I gave my best. The dormant blue bag gathering dust in the closet is a symbol that life is filled with difficult stages and in order to move on, one has to have faith in a God that is bigger than one's self.

     Maybe it's time to empty the blue bag and refill it with new accomplishments as I pray for a new direction. It will take courage and determination. I trust that God will lift my soul before it falls to the pit. 

Gracious Father,

     At times, our lives take twists and turns that confuse us. Thank You for the reminder that You can lead and teach us when a new direction is needed.Our trust is in You. Grant us the courage and determination to move forward in all circumstances. Help us learn from the journey and become stronger in faith as we turn to You.


Friday, February 6, 2015

Cave of Fear

But my eyes are turned toward you, O God, my Lord; in you I seek refuge; do not leave me defenseless. Keep me from the trap that they have laid for me, and from the snares of evildoers. Let the wicked fall into their own nets, while I alone escape.  Psalm 141:8-10 NRSV

Maybe you have or haven't visited the Cave of Fear in your life, but unfortunately caves have an open door policy and you never know when you might be tempted to visit. The invitation to come in is intriguing and leaves even the most logical thinkers believing there could be no harm in going in and staying for a short visit. 

The Cave of Fear offers so many accommodations. You can crawl in and find safety from the outside world. Your basic needs to protect you from the elements are met, and you need only venture outside when hunger pushes you to leave the safety of the Cave of Fear.  In the darkness, you find comfort in knowing there are no mirrors to reflect the fearful person you have become. You begin to believe that you now belong to the Cave of Fear. As you think and dwell in darkness, your thoughts become even darker.

The sunlight streams through the entrance of the cave, but as the days go by, the sunlight is painful to the eyes and you find yourself gravitating deeper into the cavern rather than being drawn to the light. Eventually, there is only a glimmer of light in the distance. At some point, you must make a decision to go toward the light or let the darkness overcome all rationality that one once knew and collapse into a world where only you exist.

How does one find their way out of the Cave of Fear? The open door policy has not changed, and the exit has no door. It will take more courage to leave the cave than it did entering. It will take faith that a better world exists outside the dark and damp walls of this primitive way of life that you have made your home. Most importantly, to depart, one must leave a part of their own darkness behind to make room for the light. The darkest worries, failures, and sins of one's life must be left behind to bask in the warmth and glory of the light.

In Psalm 141, David found himself hiding in a cave from all the evil that was engulfing his life. He knew he had plunged into darkness and needed help. Mentally trapped in the cave, he cried to the Lord, "But my eyes are turned toward you, O God, my Lord; in you I seek refuge; do not leave me defenseless. Keep me from the trap that they have laid for me, and from the snares of evildoers. Let the wicked fall into their own nets, while I alone escape." God led David out of the dark cave and gave him strength and courage to face the worries, failures, and sins that existed in him and those in his life.

If ever you find yourself contemplating a visit to the Cave of Fear, never lose sight of the Light regardless of how faint or distant it may seem. The voice inside you need only cry out for help to our Heavenly Father, and He will help lead you toward the light where He will bless your life with love, community, purpose, forgiveness, and grace. You can leave the darkness of your life behind because existence in His Light will lead you far, far, away from the dark, damp, musty walls of the Cave of Fear. 

Let us pray . . .

Heavenly Father,

Help us each day to be attracted to the glory and gift of living in Your Light. Grant our hearts confidence that regardless of the dark situations that come our way, we are guided by Your Light and help us to not retreat to the Cave of Fear.
