Saturday, June 30, 2012

Dried Up and Broken

"It is God who takes water from the earth and turns it into drops of rain. He lets the rain pour from the clouds in showers for all human beings. No one knows how the clouds move or how the thunder roars through the sky, where God dwells. He sends lightning through all the sky, but the depths of the sea remain dark. This is how he feeds the people and provides an abundance of food. He seizes the lightning with his hands and commands it to hit the mark. Thunder announces the approaching storm, and the cattle know it is coming."~Job 36:27-33 GNT

The thunder and lightening last night brought about some much needed rain in our near drought stricken area. The crops and vegetation of all kinds were truly suffering, and rain was desperately needed. Our yard was scorched looking like a dried out cut hay field in late August. The weather forecasters gave small chance for anything but spotty rain, but somehow we were blessed to receive the rain that the plants needed to sustain life. 

When we awoke this morning, there were new signs of life all around our yard. Every plant in the garden seemed to be standing a little taller and looked so much healthier than the night before. Patches of green in the lawn seemed to be surfacing everywhere. Rain is something we count on, but in reality we can't make it rain. We can pray and wish for rain, but we just can't make it rain. Honestly, we have no control over it.

As I walked around the yard this morning, I thought about those moments in our own lives that we can sometimes feel all dried up and broken like the grass beneath my feet. We can't wish that feeling away. We can pray and wait patiently for direction in how to move forward because sometimes we aren't able do it on our own. Moving forward is what we want to do, but we are stricken with the suffering, and it's taken all our power and energy away.

Often times in our lives, we find that God sends just what or who we need to survive the emotional and sometimes spiritual drought we are experiencing. When we pray for help, we give all our worries and needs over to God. It's what happens next that is like the rain that saves the plants in the drought. Sometimes, it's the friend who calls out of the blue, the friend who sends a note of encouragement, the friend that calls and needs your help, or maybe it's the friend that loves you too much to let you suffer alone. Strangers appear in our lives that seem to come from nowhere that touch us in a way that changes us. Being loved and needed are ways that God sends life saving CPR (Caring People Resources) right smack into our lives like a shower of rain in a drought. 

I've been through some of those droughts, and I can honestly say that I have felt like that grass in our yard as I wondered how I was going to keep going. But, through prayer, God continues to send showers of CPR (Caring People Resources) to breathe new life into me at just the right time. He sent a spouse that sends showers of faith and unconditional love into my everyday life. Stretching me into more communities of people is often painful since I'm more of an introvert, but I've been blessed abundantly by the people I've met and what they have taught me about them and about me.

Like Job alluded to in the scripture above, we all know there are things about this world that only God knows. God's wisdom is beyond our comprehension, and He has created a world that is amazing in so many ways. He doesn't have back up plans; He always has a foolproof plan in place.  Dried up and broken is not where we want to find ourselves, but when we are, how refreshing is it that God sends exactly what or who we need into our lives to restore and rejuvenate us? Yes, that much needed rain comes in one form or another when all seems hopeless, and in an instant, new life is breathed into us. 

Heavenly Father,

Thank you for knowing our hearts and minds in ways that are hard for us to comprehend. We give thanks that you send refreshing showers of CPR (Caring People Resources) into our lives during those moments of emotional drought and brokenness. We give thanks and praise for the abundant gifts and blessings that you provide for us.


Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The Gift of Common Sense

"My child, don’t lose sight of common sense and discernment. Hang on to them, for they will refresh your soul. They are like jewels on a necklace. They keep you safe on your way, and your feet will not stumble."~Proverbs 3:21-23

Have you ever had one of those moments when "you've decided" that someone else is upset with you and you don't know why? They haven't said it or approached you, but somehow you're sure by something that was said, not said, done, or not done that they must be irritated with you. Often what happens next is that you begin to change whenever you are near this person. Your feelings begin to lead you to behave differently in their company. You might even find yourself avoiding that person.  Suddenly an imaginary wall has appeared and strengthened in your own mind, and you've been the sole builder. 

These verses in Proverbs remind us of how important it is to not "lose sight of common sense and discernment." Common sense tells us that if there's a problem with someone, it is best to try to figure out a way to tackle the problem head on. Discerning and praying about how to approach the misunderstanding would be such a healthy direction to take. Unfortunately, it's easier, as I know, to build walls and avoid the conflict. By walking away with ruffled feathers rather than confronting the situation head on, I don't have to physically face the conflict that mentally continues to live on in my mind. 

Friendships take a lot of work, and I think these verses bless us all with some really good advice. If we discern and pray through our problems and use our common sense, we create healthier friendships and come to value others and ourselves in a much more positive manner. I wish I could say I have mastered this practice of communication, but on occasion I still find myself retreating rather than doing what I know is right. God has given us the gift of common sense, the key is learning how and when to use it. 

Heavenly Father,

Thank you for the gift of friendship in our lives. Remind us that true friendships can withstand the storms of life if we come to You for guidance as we discern the problem and use our common sense. Grant us the wisdom to be the kind of friend to others that we yearn to have for ourselves. 


Thursday, June 14, 2012

Everyone Has Worth

"Later when Jesus was eating supper at Matthew's house with his close followers, a lot of disreputable characters came and joined them. When the Pharisees saw him keeping this kind of company, they had a fit, and lit into Jesus' followers. 'What kind of example is this from your Teacher, acting cozy with crooks and riffraff?' Jesus, overhearing, shot back, 'Who needs a doctor: the healthy or the sick? Go figure out what this Scripture means: 'I'm after mercy, not religion.' I'm here to invite outsiders, not coddle insiders.'"~Matthew 9:10-13 MSG

Last Saturday morning I was in Davenport, on my way to help on a mission project when I saw something that touched me in a very strange way. As I drove up the long Brady Street hill, I saw a long line of what seemed to be homeless and poverty stricken people waiting to give plasma. They were waiting for the plasma center doors to open so that they could earn a little cash. 

I started pondering the idea of how sad it is that the poorest of our population stand in line to donate plasma for a few dollars. But, then as I prayed about this I came to see it in a different way. God always provides in ways we cannot see. Sadly, people around the world need plasma for any hope of surviving particular illnesses. The general population has very few people willing to donate plasma for free. The poverty stricken are lifesavers for the sick and weak. The poor earn money for food to sustain life while the sick are blessed with the lifesaving plasma. Each are cared for in a very special way.

When I read this scripture, I thought about how often people don't see the worth in those considered to be riffraff in our society. The Pharisees were disgusted that Jesus would lower himself to eat with the "outsiders." I'm guessing those standing in line at the plasma center that morning would not be people that most of us would invite to dinner. But, it is exactly these people that Jesus asks us to reach out and help. Imagine how their lives could change if they were to come to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior? Each time we make an effort to help the poor, we are inviting the "outsiders" to come to know Jesus in a loving way through us. 

Jesus entrusts us with the responsibility to carry out His mission to help others come to know Him. The mission isn't just to love and support those that are easy to care about, but rather it pushes us to find ways to help the poor and weak, even those that may be considered riffraff. If we think the poor have little worth in our society, we might want to stop and think about that lifesaving plasma they give. Everyone has something to share, and everyone has worth in the eyes of Jesus.

Heavenly Father,
Open our eyes and hearts to the "outsiders" that are in need of coming to know You in their lives. Help us bring them into Your flock, so that together we further Your Kingdom. Give and grant us motivation and courage to find ways to go beyond the church walls to be Your disciples. 

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

God's Acceptance

"Accept the one whose faith is weak, without quarreling over disputable matters. One person’s faith allows them to eat anything, but another, whose faith is weak, eats only vegetables. The one who eats everything must not treat with contempt the one who does not, and the one who does not eat everything must not judge the one who does, for God has accepted them. Who are you to judge someone else’s servant? To their own master, servants stand or fall. And they will stand, for the Lord is able to make them stand. One person considers one day more sacred than another; another considers every day alike. Each of them should be fully convinced in their own mind. Whoever regards one day as special does so to the Lord. Whoever eats meat does so to the Lord, for they give thanks to God; and whoever abstains does so to the Lord and gives thanks to God. For none of us lives for ourselves alone, and none of us dies for ourselves alone. If we live, we live for the Lord; and if we die, we die for the Lord. So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord. For this very reason, Christ died and returned to life so that he might be the Lord of both the dead and the living."~Romans 14:1-9 NLT

Recently, I sat with a friend discussing some different theological understandings about how different Christians denominations understand their faith. Being a Lutheran, God's grace and love are at the center of everything we're taught and believe. Others preach fire and brimstone with the fear of God at the center. The variations are endless. Within each denomination, different theological understandings lead Christians to disagree on even the most basic Biblical Sacraments like Communion and Baptism. These are only two examples of many, many, more!

The verses above are what every Christian should pull out of their pockets when they find themselves divided rather than united on this mission to serve our Lord and Savior with other Christians. God is reassuring us that if we are "fully convinced" in our minds that we are properly worshiping and serving Him, He understands that we are faithful to Him. This doesn't give us a free pass to not grow and learn, but it does give us comfort in knowing that even when we don't agree with one another God knows that we are faithful in the theological roots that we have come to know Him through.

In a college speech class, I did my final speech on capital punishment. I was against it, and another student prepared a speech supporting capital punishment. I was determined to do whatever it took to sway the class my direction with my speech. I began by turning off the lights, asking the class to put their feet flat on the floor and their hands flat on the desk, and finally, telling them they could not move. My speech began in the back of the room talking to them about a fictional crime they had committed, and because of that crime the execution that was now going to take place. I tried to help them feel what the criminal feels before the execution begins. I talked about the sad childhood the convict had endured leading them to make so many wrong choices. As I continued this exercise, I told them that I was now going to flip the switch and their lives would end. I turned on the lights at the moment the execution was to take place. I walked to the front of the room, and it was the most captive audience I have ever had. I even had a couple of students with tears in their eyes. I won the class over to my way of thinking and an A+ on my speech. But, was I truly right about whether capital punishment should or should not ever be used? Not everyone feels the same way. I had found a way to sway the hearts and minds of the majority of the class to a different understanding.

Words and teachings have great power. After my speech, a student came up to me and shared their view of capital punishment had totally changed, and they felt they could never support it again. You see, what we are taught and how we are taught have a profound effect on who we are and what we believe. The Bible is at the center of all Christian churches. Each denomination decides where they will put the emphasis of their teachings, and each person reading the Bible interprets it a little differently. The teachings of the Old Testament and the New Testament often are in conflict with one another, and at times they complement one another. Quite honestly, you can't just pick a verse out of a hat to tell others that they are right or wrong. If that were true, women should still be wearing head coverings and  growing long hair. Anyone wearing a tattoo would be considered sinful for their action. That would take a lot of us out of the Heaven pool. It's as if the Bible is sometimes used as a weapon rather than the love letter from God that I feel it is intended to be. The Bible is so much more complex than that. It's a woven book of understandings. Each thread needs another to allow even more meaning to evolve. You count on the church leaders to guide you, but you still have the responsibility to discern the Word on your own. 

Once you've come to your own understandings through church leadership and study, God knows that you have come to be "fully convinced" in your mind that your life and actions are a product of your own individual environmental understanding. So, regardless of what denomination of the Christian church you attend, just remember that God knows your mind and heart. I'm guessing that He doesn't want our divisions in understandings to draw lines in the sand, but He would rather see us come together to build a sand castle of faith built with many different rooms. Each has its place in His Kingdom. Have faith that if your heart is in the right place, God will take care of the rest. Don't let divisions of Biblical theology take away from the strength that can be found in Christian diversity as we all learn from one another and this wonderful gift from God called the Bible.

Heavenly Father of All Christians,

As Christian churches find themselves interpreting your Word in different ways, we ask that You give us each individual direction in living our lives with actions that please You. Help us to set aside differences in theology as we come to understand that You know us better than we could ever know ourselves. Guide us to work together to further Your Kingdom.
