Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The Gift of Common Sense

"My child, don’t lose sight of common sense and discernment. Hang on to them, for they will refresh your soul. They are like jewels on a necklace. They keep you safe on your way, and your feet will not stumble."~Proverbs 3:21-23

Have you ever had one of those moments when "you've decided" that someone else is upset with you and you don't know why? They haven't said it or approached you, but somehow you're sure by something that was said, not said, done, or not done that they must be irritated with you. Often what happens next is that you begin to change whenever you are near this person. Your feelings begin to lead you to behave differently in their company. You might even find yourself avoiding that person.  Suddenly an imaginary wall has appeared and strengthened in your own mind, and you've been the sole builder. 

These verses in Proverbs remind us of how important it is to not "lose sight of common sense and discernment." Common sense tells us that if there's a problem with someone, it is best to try to figure out a way to tackle the problem head on. Discerning and praying about how to approach the misunderstanding would be such a healthy direction to take. Unfortunately, it's easier, as I know, to build walls and avoid the conflict. By walking away with ruffled feathers rather than confronting the situation head on, I don't have to physically face the conflict that mentally continues to live on in my mind. 

Friendships take a lot of work, and I think these verses bless us all with some really good advice. If we discern and pray through our problems and use our common sense, we create healthier friendships and come to value others and ourselves in a much more positive manner. I wish I could say I have mastered this practice of communication, but on occasion I still find myself retreating rather than doing what I know is right. God has given us the gift of common sense, the key is learning how and when to use it. 

Heavenly Father,

Thank you for the gift of friendship in our lives. Remind us that true friendships can withstand the storms of life if we come to You for guidance as we discern the problem and use our common sense. Grant us the wisdom to be the kind of friend to others that we yearn to have for ourselves. 


1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your words of wisdom and valuable scripture to live by. I have desperately tried to pray through hurt, frustrated and disappointed feelings from situations with friends and family members. I have built all sorts of walls. In the Jesus Calling devotion this week, Jesus has asked us to take His hand and stay close. When He is the center of our relationships, there are no walls needed. How easily I slip up... and lose sight of Him.
