Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds, so that you may discern what is the will of God - what is good and acceptable and perfect. Romans 12:2 NRSV
If you've ever done remodeling in your home, you may have come to realize that the one main project you began with often leads to many other little projects. It's difficult to do one project without affecting another. Soon, one small project can transform a room into a new and inviting space that one couldn't envision when it first began.
Transforming our hearts may often have the same effect. For example when a person falls in love with a person they don't stop to think about all the things that are going to change in their own life because of that love. When I met my husband, I never dreamed that I would come to learn about so many different things. Not growing up in a sports-minded family, I didn't realize that one could literally find sports so appealing. I have learned the "basics" about football, basketball, baseball, hockey, and my favorites, tennis and golf. I didn't even know sports language when we met. I can't begin to list the multitude of wonderful things that loving my husband has taught me about this wonderful place called life.
As I grew in my relationship with Christ, I also didn't realize how my life was going to change. Even with my introvert personality and way of being, I "want" to grow closer to Christ. I care deeply about so many people and issues that I once never even thought about. I want to be an advocate for those who are less fortunate by helping in some way that God will equip me to provide for them. I want to be diligent in daily prayer knowing God hears every prayer. I feel called to be on God's fan list knowing what a great example He has set before me. Yes, I want to learn about and grow more in love with God each and every day.
Renewing our minds is directly related to having open minds. It is difficult to renew a closed mind. A closed mind builds walls of arrogance and self righteousness. An open mind invites God in to transform us one day at a time to learn about His wisdom and carry out His teachings in our daily lives. Humbleness, empathy, and understanding are found in an open mind. So, keep an open mind in life because you never know what God has planned for you. Like a home remodeling project, you may start out with one main project, but God may have amazing smaller projects for you to fulfill. God can already see what we aren't even capable of envisioning!
Let us pray . . .
Heavenly Father,
As we live out our daily lives here on Earth, help transform our minds to carry out the projects you have set before us. Lead us where we need to go and equip us with the tools we need to make a difference, one life at a time.