Over a decade ago, my husband found himself facing the challenging reality that he would need to seek different employment after 28 years with the same business. It was heart-wrenching for him because he loved the work and the people he served in the community. Often one thinks the decision itself is the most difficult obstacle, but what followed was a test of keeping faith that God would provide hope even in some of the darkest hours that lie embedded in the days and months to come.
For over two years, the resumes went out, the interviews took place, and the hope that maybe "this will be the day" continued on. We devoted ourselves to praying for God's will to be done to help our situation. Those two years were two of the most difficult ones we ever faced as serious health issues arose and financial obstacles lined up one by one. We continued to pray even as our hopes and bodies were becoming weaker in believing that anything was going to change in our lives. We lived on a fraction of the income we had once enjoyed, but somehow survived even with two children in college. It didn't seem possible or logical that we were making ends meet, but somehow we were. Our life long commitment to not live on credit was a blessing.
My husband needed me to believe in him and to keep moving forward with hope. I was his personal secretary writing cover letters and tweaking that resume for each perspective employer. Toward the end of the two years, I will have to be honest in saying, my prayers were beginning to denote disappointment and perhaps even a touch of anger at God. After all, was God listening. We needed help of some kind. Was He sleeping on the job?
For over two years, the resumes went out, the interviews took place, and the hope that maybe "this will be the day" continued on. We devoted ourselves to praying for God's will to be done to help our situation. Those two years were two of the most difficult ones we ever faced as serious health issues arose and financial obstacles lined up one by one. We continued to pray even as our hopes and bodies were becoming weaker in believing that anything was going to change in our lives. We lived on a fraction of the income we had once enjoyed, but somehow survived even with two children in college. It didn't seem possible or logical that we were making ends meet, but somehow we were. Our life long commitment to not live on credit was a blessing.
My husband needed me to believe in him and to keep moving forward with hope. I was his personal secretary writing cover letters and tweaking that resume for each perspective employer. Toward the end of the two years, I will have to be honest in saying, my prayers were beginning to denote disappointment and perhaps even a touch of anger at God. After all, was God listening. We needed help of some kind. Was He sleeping on the job?
I read an ad one day about a job for my husband and briefly told him about it. He asked if I would send a cover letter and resume. I told him that I would, but honestly, I didn't. I felt it was a waste of time and energy. I had lost hope in the situation. Fortunately, my husband still had hope. The next week he asked if I had sent it, and I replied that I hadn't done that, but I would. I'm sure you can guess how this all turned out. This was the job with the phone call that led us out of those two dark years and into a better future.
As Jesus faced a torturous death, He knew that Peter would need to stay strong in spirit because the body is weak and gives in to sin. Jesus knew he could not escape the truth that would lie ahead. He was taking on all our sins in a way that we as humans cannot comprehend. Fortunately for all of us, Jesus knows our human weaknesses. It is because of this that we have hope in all circumstances. Even when we may feel He is sleeping on the job, we know in our hearts that He knows the excruciating pain of suffering and won't leave us to suffer alone.
So, never give up on hope. Hang on to it even in the darkest days. But, in the moments when the body is weak, remember the Spirit is strong inside of us and will continue to give us the strength we need to move on to what lies ahead. The Spirit is filled with hope for you and for me.
Dearest Jesus,
The dark days we face are not a mystery to You. You suffered a torturous death that ended with eternal life at the right hand of the Father. Remind us that the Spirit within us will never leave us. If our bodies lose hope, we trust that the Spirit will hope for us.