Sunday, August 11, 2013

Everyone Needs A Coach

     "When Simon Peter saw this (the large number of fish caught in the nets), he fell at Jesus’ knees and said, “Go away from me, Lord; I am a sinful man!” For he and all his companions were astonished at the catch of fish they had taken,  and so were James and John, the sons of Zebedee, Simon’s partners.
     Then Jesus said to Simon, 'Don’t be afraid; from now on you will fish for people.' So they pulled their boats up on shore, left everything and followed him."Luke 5:8-11 NIV

     Running has become a very important part of my life. I know that running helps keep me healthy and strengthens my mind, body, and soul in many different ways. The past few years, I've entered and ran several 5K (3.1 miles) races. This spring however, I set my sights on the Quad Cities Times Bix 7. It is a seven mile world renown road race. The course is very difficult and challenging. It's not for the weak at heart.
     My son is an elite runner, and he is also my personal coach. Some of the things he told me I had to accept, if I decided to run the race included: increasing my mileage during my workouts, increasing the number of miles I ran each week, concentrating on the run rather than the pace, and practicing at the Bix at 6's that are held on four of the Thursdays before the race in the hot summer heat. I also had to listen to directions from my coach. He was adamant that I start walking 5 minutes and then running 5 minutes as I started the transition into gaining more mileage each week. These were the basic training rules he set for me and assured me if I followed them I would be able to run the Bix 7 course. 
     I agreed to follow the preliminary training rules and the journey began. After the first few nights of running 5 minutes and then walking 5 minutes, I began to believe that I knew better than he that I was ready to run faster and longer. As I added the miles, yet not listening to his advice, I found myself exhausted and  wondering how I would ever build up to the 7 mile run. I quickly learned that when I followed and trusted his coaching that he was right. It was amazing how much better I felt and how much stronger I was becoming.
     Everything seemed like it was going perfect until the fall. By the end of May, I had 5 mile run/walks on my weekly calendar. I was increasing my 5 and 5's to 6 and 4's that my coach had approved. I was so excited because I was heading out for my longest run. I was one mile into the run, and then it happened; I fell face first into the rocks and there I lay bleeding from my knees, hands, and shoulder. I was stunned and unable to get up. One knee bled profusely as my husband and I hobbled back the mile to our car. I remember thinking I'm never going to be able to run the Bix 7 now that this has happened.
     The doctor kept me off my deeply cut knee for three weeks. I wanted to give up, but I was in constant prayer about this goal I wanted to reach. Should I just hope that maybe next year I can make this goal, or should I continue you on? Well, with the encouragement of my entire family, I headed back out running a little earlier than the doctor released me to run. I felt like I had lost time and strength. I was humbled and disappointed. However, I refused to give up on the goal
     Well, I stayed the course, followed all the directions from the coach, and on July 27, 2013, I ran all but one minute of the 7 mile challenging course in 83 minutes and 26 seconds. I finished 179th of the 375 women in my age group. It was an overwhelming feeling of joy that words cannot express. My family was there to cheer me on and give those all so important hugs!
     You may ask what does this have to do with this story of Simon Peter and his lack of faith that fish would be caught even as Jesus told him not to give up? I think inside I'm often a lot like Simon Peter. I have a difficult time believing that if I just stay the course that somehow everything will work out in a way that I can understand. I even think Jesus should give up on me. I am sometimes to quick to jump in believing that the obstacles and roadblocks that come my way are there telling me it's time to give up rather than looking at these as challenges that I need to work through or find every way possible to conquer. I also feel like Simon Peter when I find myself on my knees wondering why I didn't trust more in someone who loves me so much. 
     The interesting part of the story is that even when Simon Peter is on his knees, Jesus is there to give him a second chance at something completely different. He tells him that his life is changing course. So, sometimes even when one thing doesn't work out the way we think it will, it may lead to something bigger and even more fulfilling in life. 
     As you start your week, have faith that God will be with  you in every goal you set in your life. He will be our coach guiding us along the way. Sometimes, you will beat the challenges and reach the goal. Sometimes, you may find the challenges are more than you can bear. The most important thing to remember is that in all goals there is a purpose; a way to grow closer to God. Have faith that He is there to help you reach those goals and grace you with second chances in this journey on earth. Everyone needs a coach!

Gracious Heavenly Father,

     Thank you for the gift of determination and goals that help us grow closer to you. May your wisdom be our guide and when we fall, may we fall gently into your arms of grace.
